Media Releases
A/Prof Agarwal presents at Alcon’s Clareon Autonme Meet the Expert Workshop
A/Prof Agarwal was invited to share her personal experiences with New Best in Class IOLs and Delivery System at Alcon’s Autonome Lunch event in Hong Kong.
Alcon’s Clareon AutonoMe intraocular lens (IOL) and delivery system is an advanced monofocal IOL with the “first and only automated, disposable, preloaded IOL delivery system”. It builds on the success of Alcon’s AcrySof Platform, which has been implanted over 100 million times worldwide.
Dr. Agarwal said she felt comfortable with the new delivery system and in control of the speed of insertion after performing just five cases. “I had to hold the lens insertor a bit more perpendicularly than has been the case previously, to ensure the lens went into the bag. Lens delivery was very smooth and it unfolded more quickly in the eye. Occasionally, during aspiration the port sticks to the optic due to the tacky nature of the material. However, the lens doesn’t get scratched while aligning it in the bag,” she said.